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  • Writer's pictureJanet Wilkes

Tree Roots Growing Again In Spring Can Cause Clogged or Broken Sewer Lines?

Updated: Jul 7

Each Spring we watch the transformation of bare branches to flowers and leaves. What we don't see are the trees starting to spread their roots throughout the ground. Unfortunately, the roots can grow right through sewer lines. Tree roots in sewer lines cause them to become cracked, broken, and clogged with dirt. If not caught early, the damage will lead to back-up of sewage into your home. If you are having problems with sewage backup or standing water in your yard, a clogged or broken sewer line could be the problem. Angel Plumbing Company's master plumber has many years of experience to assess your problem and recommend solutions to repair your clogged or broken sewer line. If you are not having problems yet, Angel Plumbing Company has specialized camera equipment that can be used to view your pipes for any problems or to assure you that no problems exist. Preventative maintenance can save you from future repairs.

Tree In Bloom In Spring
Tree Blooming In Spring Means That Tree Roots Are Also Growing


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